Philip & Rickki's Wedding


A little about Rickki

The story of Rickki Dee Redmon. I was born in Spain Aug17, 1991. I spent most of my young life in either Ohio where my mom is from and Kentucky where my dad is from. At age eight we moved to Georgetown Texas, that I now call my home town. I went to school there, played basketball, and had my first job in a kitchen and graduated high school in this little town.

When I was 19 I decided to join the Army because I couldn’t afford culinary school. I joined as a cook and had the opportunity to cook with many people and fell in love even more with cooking. After my first contract was up the army would pay for culinary school when I got out, so that’s what I did. I moved from Seattle Washington, where I was stationed for most of my service, to the east coast to go to school at Southern New Hampshire University.

After four long years I will graduate with a bachelors in Culinary Management in May. Phil has been my cheerleader the whole time and although we haven’t always been in the same time zone, he always manages to make sure I have the love and support I need in order to succeed in everything I do.
